National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of System Credibility Automatic Verification
实验室形成了一支以徐扬教授为学术带头人的研究团队,主要从事可信性自动验证领域的相关理论与技术研究,同时承担博士后合作研究、博士与硕士、访问学者等人才培养工作。实验室注重国际交流合作,与英国Ulster大学共同建立了“Advanced Machine Intelligence(先进机器智能)”联合研究中心,并与英国剑桥大学、牛津大学以及多个国家的知名院校建立了密切的学术交流与合作关系。
National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of System Credibility Automatic Verification was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2016. This engineering laboratory is an upgraded version of the System Credibility Automatic Verification Engineering Lab of Sichuan Province approved by Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission in 2014. Eyeing on the great demand of the information security industry, the laboratory establishes the effective technology of system credibility automatic verification and develops system credibility automatic verification tools and special verification systems for the important areas based on the novel automated reasoning system, which can get rid of the dependence of the system credibility automatic verification technology on foreign countries, and improve the independent innovation capability of China in the field of credibility verification, and provide the scientific and technical support for the reliability of the system.
The Laboratory has established a research team with Professor Xu Yang as the academic leader. It mainly engages in the research on the theories and techniques of automated verification of credibility, and also undertakes the training work of postdoctoral research cooperation, doctor, master, visiting scholar and so on. In addition, laboratory pays great attention to international communication and cooperation. It has established the Advanced Machine Intelligence Joint Research Center with Ulster University in UK, and the close academic communication and cooperation relationship with the University of Cambridge, University of Oxford and other well-known universities.
The laboratory now has built three research and development platforms, which are formalization system platform, automatic reasoning system platform, credibility automatic verification platform, and its research and development results have reached the advanced international level.
The Laboratory has developed the program credibility automatic verification tool Scavel. This tool has some important properties, e.g., direct verification of the source code, flexible setting for validation requirements, accurate fault location, high efficiency and it can verify multiple defects for C and PLC program such as array bounds, divide by zero, signed integer overflow, floating point overflow, etc. Scavel has provided verification services for multiple units from aerospace, defense industry, nuclear industry, satellite navigation, rail transportation, information electronics and other fields, which shows its unique ability.
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