四川 成都 8040www威尼斯2023年7月12日- 7月14日
联系人:罗荣 邮箱:luorong@swjtu.edu.cn
数论及其在编码中的应用研讨会 会议安排 |
7月12日报到 地点:成都天河智选假日酒店(成都市郫都区两河西路169号) |
7月13日上午9:00—12:00 自由讨论,地点:x7510 |
14:00-15:00 |
万大庆教授 (美国加州大学尔湾分校教授) |
Zeta Functions of p-Adic Analytic Varieties |
15:00-16:00 |
廖群英教授 (四川师范大学) |
Fidelity Preserved Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Homomorphism and Matrix Embedding |
16:00-17:00 |
杨丽萍副研究员 (成都理工大学) |
Unit roots of the unit root L-functions |
17:00-18:00 |
张俊教授 (首都师范大学) |
New bounds for zeros of complete symmetric polynomials over finite fields |
7月14日离会 |
报告题目: Zeta Functions of p-Adic Analytic Varieties
摘要: We introduce the zeta function of a p-adic analytic variety, which counts Teichmuller rational points. This zeta function has the amazing property of being a rational function, which suggests new avenues for further research. This talk is based on joint work with Wei Cao, and will be essentially self-contained.
报告题目:Fidelity Preserved Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Homomorphism and Matrix Embedding
摘要:This talk proposes a data hiding scheme for high quality stego-images in the encrypted images based on a homomorphic encryption algorithm and matrix embedding method. We offer a matrix embedding method using Golay code, which has good embedding efficiency. In the proposed scheme, we pre-code the least significant bit (LSB) vectors of the cover image into the codewords before image encryption, so that we can implement the matrix embedding in the encrypted image. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme has excellent security performance. We can get a high quality stego-image after the image decryption and recover the cover image into a fidelity image while providing considerable payload.
报告题目: Unit roots of the unit root L-functions
摘要:As a consequence of Wan's theorem about Dwork's conjecture, the unit root L-function constructing from an algebraic family of L-funcitons are $p$-adic meromorphic. A natural question is to ask the roots and poles of the unit root L-functions. In this talk, we will introduce some results about the unit roots, which including the work of Haessig and Sperber, and our recent work about the Kloosterman family.
报告时间:2023年7月13日下午 16:00-17:00
报告题目:New bounds for zeros of complete symmetric polynomials over finite fields
报告摘要:In this talk, we will introduce the new results on counting zeros of complete symmetric polynomials over finite fields, which greatly improve the previous bounds. This work is joint with Prof. Daqing Wan.